Winter Safety - Don't get caught out this WInter
Don’t get caught out this Winter when outdoors. Your GPS Handheld will keep you updated about daylight hours.
One of the lesser-known features on Garmin GPS Units is the ability to display the Sunrise and Sunset times at your location. They will even show features such as time in hours until sunset or sunrise. When out walking or running this winter, the reassurance of having this information can really enhance your day. Allowing you to enjoy the activity knowing you will not get caught out.
To access this on your Garmin Handheld, there is a Sunrise/Sunset icon on the main menu. This will then give you the Sunrise & Sunset times at your location. Using the menu system, you can also change the location it is giving this information for. This is updated live from the satellites once you are outdoors, and it based onto the satellites this information will be automatically updated.
You can also get live weather updates on many handhelds when connected to the Garmin Explore smartphone app, you can get real-time forecast information, so you're aware of the changing conditions.
A Garmin Multisport Watch will give the same information – Using a Garmin GPS Smart watch this is available via the widget screen. This data comes from the Garmin Connect App.
If you do get caught out with Sunset times on the hill having an “epic” day – not a problem! Garmin units pack some great features to help with these days. Most of our GPS Units, now have an inbuilt battery with amazing performance. Alongside Backlit buttons, seeing them on the hill in dusk is simple and easy and these will automatically activate when the ambient light level drops. If the day really does get extended, if you have an older Garmin handheld unit run on AA batteries, you can replace your batteries, if you have to do this, all information will be automatically saved. Therefore you can have peace of mind when exploring the great outdoors.
As well as planning ahead and utilizing your GPS Handheld/GPS Watch it is also paramount that you are carrying the correct kit with you, having the essential walking kit with you could prove a life saver.