Weather in the hills – plan before you head off
What to do before you head into the hills.
Yes, in the UK we are a little obsessed with the weather. But keeping an eye on the weather is essential when planning your walk in the hills.
When heading out into the hills being prepared for the weather can make a big difference as to how you feel at the end of the day.
Planning - Plan your route before you go and even leave a copy of your route with someone so they know where you are heading.
Be flexible
There’s no shame in changing your plans, it is better to change to a safer route if the means you can enjoy a good day out walking without taking risks.
Choose a different route or turn back if the forecast doesn’t look too clever; if the weather closes in unexpectedly or if the conditions turn out to be more difficult than you’d expected.
If you are heading for the hills and realise that reaching the summit is going to be a challenge, then switch to a lower level walk that you can all enjoy and achieve comfortably.
Check the latest weather forecast before you set off and alter your plans if need be
Check the weather forecast – the Met Office is a good place to start.
Remember to check conditions for different points on your route, for example, if you are heading for the hills find out how cold and windy it will be at the top of your climb, and also what level the cloud base will be.
Don’t forget to take into consideration the wind chill factor.
Many of the new generation GPS units will give you a live weather update as you are ‘out in the field’, so this can be invaluable so you can alter your route if the forecast and weather conditions change.
Don’t forget, the sun sometimes shines!
If this is the case don’t forget your sunscreen and sun hat!
And don’t forget your Outdoor GPS unit.
Planning is key, plan your route before you head off and transfer this to your GPS unit or GPS watch
Then whatever the weather brings you will be able to navigate at ease.
If you have never had an outdoor GPS before do take a look at our guide.