How to stay safe walking in the hills
Hill skills and planning
Whatever your planned activity for the day or multiple days, be honest with yourself about your hill skills and planning for both you and your fellow walkers, it’s all about having the knowledge, fitness, and ability.
We all like to kid ourselves that we are fitter, or indeed more capable than we are. It pays to be honest with yourself and why not look at improving your planning and hill skills.
Planning and what gear to take with you.
Always Carry a map and compass and know how to use them. Compliment these with your GPS unit or GPS watch. And don’t forget those spare batteries for your GPS unit and backup power pack for your phone and watch.
Every year thousands of people end up calling for help because they are lost and/or tired. Nowadays paper maps may seem unnecessary, but they are light to carry and their batteries don’t run out of charge!
Planning for your fellow walkers
Always plan for the less able members of your group. For example, if reaching the summit is going to be a challenge then switch to a lower level walk that you can all enjoy and achieve comfortably.
If you are out with friends please do respect them. You are not going out to prove your ability you are going out to build friendships and to enjoy, so don’t push them beyond their capabilities.
Know your limits
If the weather, ground conditions or route are beyond your capabilities or equipment, consider your options. It’s OK to choose a more suitable route or to turn back. Remember to allow enough time for the least able member of your group.
Plan your escape routes, how will you get off the planned route at x, y and z if the weather suddenly changes.
If you’re doing something new or going somewhere new
Why not go with a qualified guide or instructor, think about signing up for some training?
If you are looking for GPS training our partners at GPS Training have some great courses, both online training courses and physical training courses around the country.
You can see all the training options GPS Training offer online here.